Saturday, September 18, 2010

One year ago today...

our baby boy was placed in our arms. Justin and I were up at 5:00 a.m. preparing for the three hour drive to meet our ten day old baby. We were scared, excited, nervous and feeling so many different emotions that we hardly talked during the drive. That day will forever be in my memory. Samuel's foster mother walked in the room with tears in her eyes and placed my son in my arms. I began to cry. I was becoming a mother. My dream was coming true. God's faithfulness was real. Over four years of prayers were being answered. Justin and I left the Bethany office and went to Target to buy formula. I remember walking around the store just staring at Samuel. During the long trip home I held Samuel's tiny hand while Justin squeezed my other hand. We were a family. Forever.


  1. so glad your son was placed in your arms...

    we sure love you, samuel!! happy 1st year in the johnson family!!!!!!! xoxo, aunt mary jo
