Thursday, December 16, 2010

milk and COOKIES

The theme of Kindermusik this past semester was Milk and Cookies. Samuel loved a song about making cookies so I decided to let him help me today. I learned a lot about making cookies with a 15 month old. #1 wait until they are older :). Although we had fun and Samuel was very entertaining, we had a huge MESS on our hands. As I was wiping up tons of flour on the flour he leaned down beside me and said "messs."
(These pictures are not in order)

He kept looking in the oven after I put the cookies in.

Our finished product was not beautiful but he LOVED them. I gave him two and then he cried (really screamed) for more. :)
We were singing the Kindermusik song as he was stirring the dough.
Of course he had to touch everything.
Notice Samuel's eyes in this picture. Yesterday we went to Wendy's for lunch and Samuel waves at EVERYONE. One person stopped to talk to him and told me that he had beautiful dark eyes. (She was amazed) The she looked at me and said, "Well you don't have brown eyes. Where did he get those eyes from?" I didn't say anything and just smiled. She then said "His daddy must have brown eyes" It reminded me of the scripture "I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are they works;... Psalm 139:14 His eyes melt my heart.
Isn't this manger scene adorable! Frances gave this to Samuel and he likes to carry baby Jesus around. (Thankfully the people won't break)
We had snow and ice today and I am hoping the roads clear up tomorrow so we can get out and at least go to Food Lion. Justin has pushed snow all day and will not be home until 12:00 a.m. Hope you are having a great week.


  1. I love this post. It is so Christmas! Even though you don't have brown eyes like Samuel people would ask me the same thing about you. Where did her blue eyes come from. I would always say, "her grandfather" Mom

  2. 1. Beautiful boy with beautiful eyes!
    2. Cute pajamas, think I have seen them before!
    3. Love the manger scene!
    4. I would LOVE to see snow like that outside my house! The only time it has snowed in Rincon in 2o years, we went to Boone and were in the middle of a blizzard!

  3. The close up picture is too much! He is so adorable, I can hardly stand it. I'll have lots of cookies for him in Laurinburg-can't wait!

  4. hey beth! i love reading your blog. It's been a crazy busy (and long!) semester. I'll be in LBG next week and would LOVE to see ya'll. xoxo Meredith

  5. Great minds think alike (on the KM post the same day). People ask me all the time where C&F get their blonde hair. Yes Billie - I love the pajamas too! It's beginning to look a lot like Cmas and we are ready!

  6. So cute!! Looks like yall had so much fun! =)
