I could not think of a title for this post because I am so behind with updates. Samuel is changing everyday and he now repeats EVERYTHING you say. He refers to himself as Samel which we love. He walks around saying, "Samel do it." Justin and I laugh every night about the things he says and does. We have been trying to talk to him about his baby sister and he says, "No baby sister." :) We should have an interesting time with him when Annalee finally arives. I am almost 29 weeks pregnant and the summer is already hot! Everything is going great so far and we are praying for a healthy baby and delivery. I still cannot type under each picture so I am going to summarize what we were doing in the following pictures. Justin and I took Samuel is a festival here in Danville a couple of weeks ago. We did not think Samuel would ride any rides but we decided to buy him a couple of tickets and just try. He LOVED them. We had so much fun. We took him to Greensboro the other day because our power was out and Samuel had his first taste of Krispy Kreme. As you can see he was one happy little boy. He kept asking for more. He loves sweets just like his daddy. The picture of our car packed was from last weekend when we tried to go camping at Smith Mountain Lake. We had a great day and grilled out with some friends but then Samuel started running a fever and we packed everything up and left at 12:30 a.m. Justin and I decided we will try camping again in maybe 3 years :).
I am 30 and I have been married to my knight in shining armor (aka Justin:) ) for 7 years. After over 4 years of hoping, praying, and waiting for a child we were blessed with our precious baby boy, Samuel, through the gift of adoption. God worked another miracle and our sweet daughter, Annalee, was born on August 24, 2011. I love spending time with family/friends, my back porch swing, music and sweet tea. Most importantly, I am saved through the blood of Jesus Christ and I am learning to trust him through all the ups and downs of life. I am so blessed!